The Air Quality Platform (AQP) was initially designed for the 3rd edition of the School Lab which took place in Milan, at the Living Planet Symposium (LPS), in May 2019. In its educational version and role, the AQP encourages school students and teachers to discover the exciting science and technology behind Earth Observation, giving them some insights also on Earth Science and Space Science, by linking state-of the-art space activities to the secondary school curriculum.
AQP Clock
The AQP Clock is an assembly Kit (Hardware and Software) capable of sensing some local ambient parameters and send data to an ESA central server. It was designed and built internally in ESA at the ESRIN EO philab Laboratory, for the community. The AQP Clock is composed of cheap sensors, which were all procured on Amazon. The software that runs on the AQP boards (raspberry pi and arduino) is open source and written in python and in c We can consider even the hardware open because it is possible to add other electronic components and sensors on the current hardware architecture. Using cheap sensors this platform, is able to measure the 10 parameters as: Temperature , Humidity, PM10, PM2.5, CO2, CO, NH3 (ammonia), NO2, position with the GPS (latitude, longitude).
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